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C/C++ Source or Header
461 lines
codeparser.h - description
begin : Die Jul 9 2002
copyright : (C) 2002 by Andre Simon
email : andre.simon1@gmx.de
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
#include "languagedefinition.h"
#include "documentstyle.h"
#include "ASFormatter.h"
#include "preformatter.h"
#include "enums.h"
#define MAX_LINE__WIDTH 80
#define OUTPUT_FLAG_LN 1
/** The highlight namespace contains all classes and data structures
needed for parsing input data.
namespace highlight {
/** \brief Base class for parsing. Works similar to a Turing machine.
The virtual class provides source code parsing functioality, based on
information stored in language definitions.<br>
Deriving classes have to define the output format.<br>
Codegenerator is a singleton class.
* @author Andre Simon
class CodeGenerator
virtual ~CodeGenerator();
Get appropriate Codegenerator instance
\param type Output file type (HTML, XHTML, RTF, LATEX, TEX, XSLFO, ANSI)
\param styleInfoPath Path to formatting style information
\param styleInPath Path to style definition input file (to be included in styleOutPath)
\param styleOutPath Path to style definition output file (CSS path for HTML output)
\param encoding Output file encoding name
\param includeStyle Switch to include style information in output file (only XHTML, HTML)
\param attachAnchors Switch to attach anchors to line numbers (only XHTML, HTML)
\param replaceQuotes Switch to replace quotes by \dq{} (only LATEX)
\param fopCompatible Switch to generate FO for Apache FOP (only XSLFO)
\param omitEncoding Switch to omit encoding info in output document
\param ln Set true if line numbers should be printed
\param lnz Set true if leading space of line numbers should be filled with 0's
\param fragment Set true if document header and footer should be omitted
\param numSpaces Number of spaces which replace a tab
\param lineWrappingMode Line wrapping mode
static CodeGenerator* getInstance(OutputType type,
const string& styleInfoPath,
const string& styleInPath,
const string& styleOutPath,
const string& encoding,
bool includeStyle,
bool attachAnchors,
bool replaceQuotes,
bool fopCompatible,
int numSpaces,
WrapMode lineWrappingMode,
bool ln,
bool lnz,
bool fragment,
bool omitEncoding );
/** Deletes the singleton CodeGenerator instance.
Call this method if getInstance was already called, or if you want to
free the momory after usage.*/
static void deleteInstance();
Generates output
\param inFileName Path of input file (if empty use stdin)
\param outFileName Path of input file (if empty use stdout)
\return ParseError
ParseError printOutput(const string &inFileName, const string &outFileName);
/** \return True if document style was found */
bool styleFound();
/** \return True if reformatting of current input is disabled */
bool formattingDisabled();
/** \return True if reformatting of current input is possible */
bool formattingIsPossible();
/** \param langDefPath Absolute path to language definition
\return Failure: LOAD_FAILED; Reload necessary: LOAD_NEW,
no reload necessary: LOAD_NONE */
LoadResult initLanguage(const string& langDefPath);
/** \return Language definition*/
LanguageDefinition &getLanguage();
/** tell parser to output line numbers
\param flag true if line numbers should be printed
void setPrintLineNumbers(bool flag);
/** \return line number flag */
bool getPrintLineNumbers();
/** tell parser to output line numbers filled with zeroes
\param flag true if zeroes should be printed
void setPrintZeroes(bool flag);
/** \return print zeroes flag */
bool getPrintZeroes();
/** tell parser to omit document header and footer
\param flag true if output should be fragmented
void setFragmentCode(bool flag);
/** \return fragment flag */
bool getFragmentCode();
/** tell parser the style name
\param s path to style definition
void setStyleName(const string& s);
/** \return style path */
const string& getStyleName();
/** tell parser the wrapping mode
\param lineWrappingStyle wrapping style
\param lineLength max line length
\param numberSpaces number of spaces which replace a tab
void setPreformatting(WrapMode lineWrappingStyle, unsigned int lineLength,int numberSpaces);
/** \return wrapping style */
WrapMode getLineWrapping();
/** tell parser the include style definition in output
\param flag true if style should be included
void setIncludeStyle(bool flag);
/** Print style definitions to external file
\param outFile Path of external style definition
bool printExternalStyle(const string &outFile);
/** Print index file with all input file names
\param fileList List of output file names
\param outPath Output path
virtual bool printIndexFile(const vector<string> & fileList,
const string &outPath);
/** initialize source code indentation
\param indentSchemePath Path of indentation scheme
\return true id successfull
bool initIndentationScheme(const string&indentSchemePath);
/** Set style input path
\param s path to style input file
void setStyleInputPath(const string& path);
/** Set style output path
\param s path to style output file
void setStyleOutputPath(const string& path);
/** Set output type
\param s output type
void setType(OutputType t);
\return style input file path
const string& getStyleInputPath();
\return style output file path
const string& getStyleOutputPath();
//! CodeGenerator Constructor
\param colourTheme Name of coloring style being used
CodeGenerator(const string &colourTheme);
/** \param c Character to be masked
\return Escape sequence of output format */
virtual string maskCharacter(unsigned char c) = 0;
/** \param s string
\return Copy of s with all escaped characters */
string maskString(const string &s ) ;
/** \param s Symbol string
\param searchPos Position where search starts
\return Found state (integer value) */
State getState(const string &s, unsigned int searchPos);
/** \return Next identifier in current line of code */
string getIdentifier();
/** \return Next number in current line of code */
string getNumber();
/** Insert line number at the beginning of current output line */
virtual void insertLineNumber(bool insertNewLine=true);
/** Prints document footer*/
virtual string getFooter() = 0;
/** Prints document body*/
virtual void printBody() = 0;
/** prints document header
\param title Title of the document
virtual string getHeader(const string &title) = 0;
/** Get current line number
\return line number */
unsigned int getLineNumber();
/** Tag Delimiters for every colour style*/
vector <string> styleTagOpen, styleTagClose;
/** Description of document colour style*/
DocumentStyle docStyle;
/** Language definition*/
LanguageDefinition langInfo;
/** Tag for inserting line feeds*/
string newLineTag;
/** String that represents a white space in output */
string spacer;
/** file input*/
istream *in;
/** file output*/
ostream *out;
/** Tags which enclose white space indentation blocks */
string maskWsBegin, maskWsEnd;
/** Style comment delimiters */
string styleCommentOpen, styleCommentClose;
/** Test if maskWsBegin and maskWsEnd should be applied */
bool maskWs;
/** Test if whitespace sould always be separated from enclosing tokens */
bool excludeWs;
/** Test if header and footer should be omitted */
bool fragmentOutput;
/** Test if line numbers should be printed */
bool showLineNumbers;
/** Test if leading spyce of line number should be filled with zeroes*/
bool lineNumberFillZeroes;
/** Current line of input file*/
string line;
/** Current line number */
unsigned int lineNumber;
// Zeigt den aktuellen Zustand an
// wird nicht in getCurrentState gesetzt, da nur Zustände interessant
// sind, die als Index auf die styleCloseTags und styleOpenTags verwendet
// werden k÷nnen
/** Current state*/
State currentState;
/** keyword class id, used to apply the corresponding keyword style*/
unsigned int currentKeywordClass;
/** Processes origin state */
void processRootState();
/** return line break sequence */
virtual string getNewLine();
\param s current state
\return Index of style tag corresponding to the states
unsigned int getStyleID(State s, unsigned int kwClassID = 0);
/** \return line index */
unsigned int getLineIndex();
/** print all remaining white space*/
void flushWs();
\return Content of user defined input style
string readUserStyleDef();
\return Style definition of the chosen output format
virtual string getStyleDefinition() {return "";};
/** contains white space, which will be printed after a closing tag */
string wsBuffer;
Flag to test if style definition should be included in output document
bool includeStyleDef;
CodeGenerator(const CodeGenerator&){}
CodeGenerator& operator=(CodeGenerator&){ return *this;}
static CodeGenerator* generator;
/** return matching open and close tags of the given state */
virtual string getMatchingOpenTag(unsigned int) = 0;
virtual string getMatchingCloseTag(unsigned int) = 0;
/** open a new tag, set current state to s*/
void openTag(State s);
/** close opened tag, clear current state */
void closeTag(State s);
void closeTag(unsigned int styleID);
void openTag(unsigned int styleID);
// path to style definition file
string stylePath;
// contains current position in line
unsigned int lineIndex;
/**last character of the last line*/
unsigned char terminatingChar;
/** Class for reformatting */
astyle::ASFormatter *formatter;
/** Class for line wrapping and tab replacement*/
PreFormatter *preFormatter;
/** Flag to test if formatting is enabled with current input document*/
bool formattingEnabled;
/** Flag to test if formatting is possible with current input document*/
bool formattingPossible;
/** contains the current token*/
string token;
string styleInputPath, styleOutputPath;
/** Resets parser to origin state, call this after every file conversion */
void reset();
/** read new line from in stream */
bool readNewLine(string &newLine);
/** return next character from in stream */
unsigned char getInputChar();
OutputType outputType;
/** return new state */
State getCurrentState ( bool lastStateWasNumber=false);
/** Methods that represent a parsing state */
bool processKeywordState(State myState) ;
bool processNumberState() ;
bool processMultiLineCommentState();
bool processSingleLineCommentState();
bool processStringState(State oldState);
bool processEscapeCharState();
bool processDirectiveState();
bool processTagState();
bool processSymbolState();
void processWsState();
/** gibt true zurck, falls c ein erlaubter Character innerhalb von Keyword
oder Typbezeichner ist */
bool isAllowedChar(char c) ;
/** returns true if curret token is the first in line and no whitespace */
bool isFirstNonWsChar() ;
/** print escaped token and clears it */
void printMaskedToken(bool flushWhiteSpace=true);
/** print escape sequence */
void skipEscapeSequence();
void closeKWTag(unsigned int styleID);
void openKWTag(unsigned int styleID);
/** look for special commands in comments, take action in derived class
\return true if command was found
bool checkSpecialCmd();